Debt Fix has developed practical information for people free of charge so you can take control of your financial situation. Why not take a look at our fact sheets or use our calculators to calculate your monthly repayments. Our Free Budget Planner can help too – simply click here and use it to measure and regain control of your spending.
Whether it’s to lower your monthly payments, or needing a little extra for that next big purchase, Debt Fix has can get you the help you need.
If you need assistance, call Debt Fix today so we can assess your situation and determine the most suitable option for you.
Free CalculatorsFree Calculators and budget tools to help you organise your finances and manage your money. |
FAQ'sDo you have questions about debt? FAQs answered here. |
Hints and TipsFind ways to help you free yourself from debt with these simple tips an hints. |
Fact SheetsTo help you deal with your debt issues: |
ArticlesDebt Fix has up-to-date articles relating to better managing debt so why not search our archive. We cover topics such as Debt Consolidation, Credit Card Debt and other areas of Debt Management. |
eBookRead our eBook and find out how to free yourself from Debt. |
Debt Fix has helped hundreds of people turn their situation around.
Unlike some other companies that say they will help and then charge a non-refundable fee, Debt Fix will never add to your condition, that’s why we have a NO FIX, NO PAY policy.
Added to this, the first consultation is obligation free. We will assess your situation, run through some options and then its up you. This way, its OBLIGATION AND RISK FREE.